a dog to a tree may soon be illegal
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX -- The days of dogs roaming free in pickup beds could be
over. So could the days of leaving a dog chained to a tree in the yard.
dogs put neighbors on edge
WINDHAM, ME -- The situation is an example of scary dogs impinging on a neighborhood's
quality of life, prompting a legislative review of animal welfare issues.
animals found in home
INDIANAPOLIS, IN -- Animal control officers took 42 animals, including cats,
dogs and birds, from a Northside home after investigators found a distraught
woman living in what one called a "giant litter box."
says pup abused at shelter
LAS VEGAS, NV -- The contentious relationship between county administrators
and the shelter prompted the board to look into putting the animal shelter
contract out to bid.
More cases in dogs
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA -- Some veterinarians are alarmed by the number of dogs
they have diagnosed with Lyme disease this year.
swimming dog to get memorial
JAPAN -- A dog that swam nearly four miles to reach his canine girlfriend
is getting a monument dedicated to him.
TOKYO -- Dogs for hire: More and more pet shops are offering dog rentals.
buy from puppy mills
GREENWICH, CANADA -- The problem is severe in Kings County, where she says
dozens of unscrupulous breeders are churning out hundreds of dogs.
upset with SPCA
DOVER, DE -- A woman who gave up her dog to the Kent SPCA is angry that her
animal was euthanized within 48 hours of her dropping it off Saturday.
day in court turns into three years
CANADA -- After a spiralling comedy of judicial errors, it has taken three
years and six different Ontario judges to resolve a routine criminal case
against a man charged with minor dogfighting offences.
your cat? It can be done
Imagine, for a moment, that your cat could sit up, lie down, stay and roll